FALL RIVER: With a connection to Lockview High and their sports clubs, it only made sense for Barb MacLellan to support a project that will benefit future generations of athletes.
The owner/lawyer with Fall River Law met up with a couple of the HRM Northern Suburban Track and Turf Field committee members at her office on Hwy 2 in Fall River on April 11.
MacLellan presented Sara Wood and Rita Nigam, who is chairperson on the committee and a main force behind making the turf field dream a reality, with her cheque.
The donation was for $1,500.
The Fall River resident has had her son Josh attend and play basketball with Lockview High, as well as being involved herself as a coach and one of the founding members of the Fury Volleyball club.
“With them needing some support, I thought it made common sense for me to support it and donate some money towards it,” said MacLellan.
She also did the donation to challenge other members of Fall River and Area Business Association (FRABA).
FRABA is doing a fundraiser themselves for the turf field project in which they will match donations up to $5,000 from FRABA members.
“By making my $1,5000 donation, it actually becomes $3,000 with FRABA matching it,” said MacLellan.
The second of three Rafflebox 5050 draws is now live as well for the Turf Field project. The next draw is on May 10 and then June 10.
Wood and Nigam said they are about 65 per cent of the way to their $213,000 that the community has to raise for the almost $5 million project, which has support from all three levels of government.
The first draw was more than $4,000 with the winner, Tyler Johnston, donating his portion of the winnings ($2,000) back to the project.
To purchase tickets for the Rafflebox draw check out: https://www.rafflebox.ca/raffle/hrm-nsac