WAVERLEY: The newly expanded boathouse at Cheema Aquatic Club was a little echo-like in the multi-purpose room.
So members of Cheema reached out to Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon to see if she would be able to help them out.
The representative for District 1 Waverley-Fall River-Musquodoboit Valley was able to do just that.
Last Friday, Deagle Gammon stopped by to present a cheque for $5,000 from the District 1 Capital Funds account to Cheema. Several youth stood in to accept the cheque in a photo with the councillor.
The money is to help with the cost of installing Sound Dampening panels needed for the Multi Purpose Room.
“In any large room sound panels are designed to combat noise, reduce echoes and make for a more pleasant experience; especially for those persons who are neuro diverse and those with hearing issues,” said Deagle Gammon.
“Kudos to Cheema for always looking to improve your facility with an accessibility and inclusion lens.”