WAVERLEY: The Waverley Legion has received some assistance from the local councillor.
The Legion had a visit from the HRM Fire Inspector recently and they found an issue with the fire alarm panel and detectors that required immediate attention.
Thanks to the District Capital funds that assistance was able to happen.
Each fiscal year, all districts are allocated District Funds that Councillors have the ability to designate for community benefit. District Funds are comprised of both Capital and District Activity funding.
District Capital Funds can provide a grant to any non-profit organization or charity or provide funding for HRM projects that are in the HRM departmental operating or capital budget or proposed by the Councillor.
District Activity Funds provide small grants to non-profit organizations and registered charities for local initiatives, including by way of advertising with such entities.
More found at: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/districts-councillors/district-3/district-activity-district-capital-funds
Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon stopped by the Legion last Friday morning to deliver funds of $10,000 to the Legion.
President of the Legion Gerald Burgess and Secretary/Treasurer Cheryl Sinnott accepted the cheque from Deagle Gammon.
“The Legion is essential to our community, and we are thankful for the dedicated volunteers who give so generously of their time and talent to ensure we have a place for our Veterans, RCMP and community to gather and celebrate,” said Deagle Gammon.