ENFIELD: The crowds of all ages gathered along Highway 2 from Elmsdale to Enfield to kick the holidays into high gear during the East Hants Christmas Parade.
The holiday parade was organized and sponsored by East Hants Crime Prevention.
Many businesses from across the area entered floats, there were even sighting of Grinch.
East Hants RCMP were in the parade and assisted, as did firefighters from Elmsdale and Enfield with traffic control.
VIDEO: (the news story short one). Dagley Media video.
Hants East MLA John A. MacDonald and Kings Hants MP Kody Blois both took part in the parade, as did Councillor Eldon Hebb in his traditional antique truck.
The East Hants Jr C Penguins helped collect food donations for the Caring & Sharing Angel Tree Food Bank with the held of Sangsters Automotive.
Other groups were collecting items along the way as well.

The Laker News’ own Pat Healey was even in the parade driving a golf cart courtesy of Aerotec Engines in Beaver Bank.
Check out the full video below. Dagley Media video.