FALL RIVER: The Fall River and Area Business Association (FRABA) is going to further discuss writing a letter and sending it to HRM to reduce the speed on a section of Highway 2 between the Sobeys and the roundabout.
During their May 11 munch and mingle at the community room at the Fall River Sobeys, members brought the topic to discussion with Liberal candidate and incumbent Bill Horne. The meeting with Horne being the guest speaker before the writ was dropped for the provincial election.
Barb MacLellan spoke about having people almost get clipped pulling out of businesses located on the stretch. Others mentioned about having vehicles pass on the shoulder heading to Waverley as they waited to make left-hand turns, and those passing not slowing up one bit.

She suggested reducing the speed from its current 60 kilometres and hour to 50.
“That speed limit has to be reduced,” said MacLellan. “There’s been more accidents on that strip people make lefts, rights, people are coming off the highway and they’re still flying.
“It’s scary.”
Horne said there is a lot of traffic along that route.
‘That should require a 50 km/h there,” he said.
MacLellan then asked Horne what had to be done to get the speed reduced in that section.
“HRM owns that section so they would be the ones you would need to talk to,” Horne said. “
He does think it’s something FRABA could discuss further if they wanted to.
“I think that’s an issue that FRABA should at least write a letter to HRM and give a copy to the province saying you believe it’s unsafe to be going more than 50 in this section,” he said.
Members of FRABA decided they would look into and discuss the topic further at a future meeting before deciding on what to do next.