The Wellington Community Centre. (Healey file photo)

WELLINGTON: Seniors looking to learn computer skills; relax with yoga; and show off their artistic side can do all that in one spot.

The Wellington-Fletchers Lake Station House will be holding various free classes for seniors coming up.

Among the classes are basic computer skills starting May 20 at 9 a.m.

The instructor is Zoran Jokie.

Those interested are asked to call Zoran for registration and information at 902-441-8805. Computers will be available on site.


The second class will be yoga/healthy living, with an anticipated start date of May 21 at 9 a.m.

Instructor will be Christina Pace.

Those interested are asked to call Christina at 902-456-5464 to register and for more information.

Yoga matts will be supplied.


The third and final class being offered is art lessons from Joanne Muise.

This class is expected to start May 22 at 9 a.m.

For more information and to register those interested are asked to contact Joanne at 902-495-9346.

All supplies are included.

Each class will have a size of around 10 people, according to Ken Burrows with the Station House.