The engine from Shubenacadie Fire. (Healey photo)

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MILFORD: Here is a look at the calls for March for our local volunteer fire departments.

Info is provided from volunteer departments in Elmsdale; Mount Uniacke; Kennetcook; Milford; Enfield; Stewiacke; and Nine Mile River.

Each of our volunteer departments is recruiting. Stop by and see if giving back in the first responder volunteer role is something you’d like to do. Check out for more.

Milford Fire had a very busy month in March. Besides, 19 emergency calls, Milford and Shubenacadie Fire assisted at the Unified Sports Basketball Tournament (Special Olympics) hosted by HERH.

Later on March 16, both Fire Depts held a joint Food Drive at Milford Foodland and collected 330 pounds of food and $211 in donations for the Shumilacke Food Bank.

For Milford Fire, they received 19 emergency calls–10 of these were for Mutual Aid.

The calls consisted of four Chimney Fires; four Commercial Fire Alarms; two MVC’s’ two assist RCMP; and seven other calls.

A reminder to everyone that we have entered the Wildfire Risk Season which runs from March 15 to October 15.

Please ensure you check Fire restrictions – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada before you burn.

For Nine Mile River fire, they had seven calls last month.

This includes five mutual aid requests to neighbouring communities; one mvc; and one chimney fire.

Kennetcook fire responded to two calls in March.

The calls were for one MVC and one medical assist.

Firefighters with Uniacke & District Fire responded to 31 calls last month:

The calls were 20 medical assists; two mvc’s; two Carbon Monoxide Alarms; two fire alarms; two fires (other); one structure fire; one fuel spill; one power lines arching; one rescue; and one public assist.

Stewiacke fire responded to 18 calls for service in the month, led by seven medical assists.

The tally also included sounds of their people for four power lines down; two mvc’s; one lift assist; one EHS assist; one stand by for a call to Indian Brook fire; one mutual aid call to the scene; and one commercial fire alarm.

For Elmsdale fire, they had 19 calls, led by seven medical assists.

Next top call for March was fire calls with six; then four mvc’s and two alarm activations.

Enfield fire heard their pagers go off for 27 calls in March, led by 12 medical assists.

Firefighters also were toned for 10 mutual aid requests to neighbouring departments; four MVC’s; and one flue fires.

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