MOUNT UNIACKE: Local residents will be able to get out for come social interaction and physical activity thanks to the federal government, ACOA, and the Municipality of East Hants.
At an announcement at the Uniacke & District Fire Hall in Mount Uniacke on Feb. 27, Kings Hants MP Kody Blois and Councillor Michael Perry were on hand for the announcement. Blois made the investment announcement on behalf of Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA.
“Usually for an announcement I would have a speech prepare in front of me to read,” began Blois. “This is not one of those announcements where I had to have one because this one is easy to bring forward because its all about community.”
Blois was announcing $127,650 from the government’s Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) to the Uniacke & District fire department to restore a recreational pad at the department, located on Highway 1 in Mount Uniacke. The pad will be able to serve as an outdoor rink and utilized during the annual Firefighters fair.
It will also have a ramp installed to make the space fully accessible for everyone to use.
“The investment is happening here because of how involved the fire department is in the broader community,” said Blois.

He said it’s the fire halls that are not just essential services, but a place for people to gather and pursue recreational activities.
Blois said the community of Mount Uniacke and area, it’s growing.
“This community needs places for people to have recreation. This community needs places for people to gather,” he said. “When you look out back at the pad that existed it’s a bit worn, so we need to make upgrades to that.”
The Municipality of East Hants will be contributing the remainder towards the $170,000 project.

Perry said it was a no brainer for the municipality to support the project.
“The municipality was more than happy to provide the remaining 25 per cent of funding for the project to see it completed,” he said. ‘We wanted to ensure there was no more burdened put on the fire department to raise the money.
“This is a community hub, and it provides opportunities for all ages.”
Blois said it’s not always easy to have programs at the federal level that can impact on small communities, like Mount Uniacke.
“We recognize at the height of the pandemic that these same organizations that would be bringing people together and fundraising, those weren’t able to take place,” he said. “This is a way the federal government can support small communities on a temporary basis.”

Perry said a lot of roads in Mount Uniacke are gravel roads, so having a paved recreation pad will help children be able to learn how to ride a bicycle. Accessibility was also key for the municipality’s support.
“With this new pad being put in place there’s plenty of opportunity for more things in the community to happen, like an outdoor market,” he said.