MAIN PHOTO: Students from GPV Band learn about music from an instructor in Fredericton. (Submitted photo)
FREDERICTON, N.B.: Students in the senior band at Georges P. Vanier Junior High had an amazing learning and educational experience during a four-day musical journey to Fredericton, N.B. last weekend.
Led by band director Meg Ferguson, the Grade 8 students and four Grade 7 students who filled out the band, were joined by Ms. Peverill (“Queen P”), Coach Hanlon, and Captain Crawford as chaperones on the trip.
The students spent the past six months fundraising for the trip to Fredericton.
Upon arrival in Fredericton, the group made their way to George Street Middle School for a rehearsal with their grade 7 and 8s in preparation for a concert they would perform together on Thursday for their school.
“Thursday morning, we had a growth-inspiring workshop with Mr. Hugh Kennedy, one of New Brunswick’s top music educators, and my former high school band director,” said Ferguson. “After the concert at the middle school, we took a historical tour of Fredericton and students were then amazed by the stunning original piece of art by Salvador Dali called, Santiago El Grande.
“That evening, they were surprised with a visit to iSpy Escape Rooms! Good news: they all escaped.”

Friday May 12, the bandies headed to O’Dell Park for some outdoor games and adventures, then on to some shopping before their big Friday event: a joint concert with the Fredericton Concert and Marching Band.
“We rehearsed together in the afternoon then performed at the Tom Morrison theatre at Fredericton High School,” said Ferguson. “It was incredible to have students feel the power of music through playing with such a great community band.
“I hope students realize that although becoming a music teacher or professional musician is wonderful, you do not have to do so to make great music your whole life. T
“The fine musicians from the band are teachers, retail workers, doctors, a lawyer, anyone who plays a band instrument. They all come together each week to practice and perform.”

Ferguson said the majority of students who participated were in grade 8, along with four lucky grade 7s who filled in certain sections where they did not have enough instruments.
She said it was wonderful to get feedback from every location they visited that the students were polite, engaged, helpful, and fun to be around – restaurants and galleries-alike.
“Our students represented our community and the upcoming generation of Nova Scotians well,” she said.