HRM announces Youth Climate Action Fund program winners

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HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH: Earlier this year, the Halifax Regional Municipality was selected as one of 100 cities internationally to participate in the Youth Climate Action Fund program by Bloomberg Philanthropies and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).

UCLG is a youth micro-granting program with values from $1,000 to $5,000 USD for youth-led climate projects and initiatives, distributed by the municipality.

The municipality received 15 applications from youth and youth-serving organizations who are passionate about being a part of the solution to climate change.

A total of $50,000 USD will be granted to the eleven selected applicants.


The selected organizations and their respective project titles are listed below:

Caring for the Barrens, Caring for the Barrens Kjipuktuk – Community Capacity Building

DalSol (Dalhousie University), Solar-Powered Electric Race Vehicle Open House

Girl Child Art Foundation – Banye Art, My Climate and Art: A Climate Justice Art Exhibition

Hope Blooms, Community Climate Action Mural

Level. Changing Lives Through Law, Environmental Justice Program

Oakhill Outdoor, Oakhill Biomass Project

ONE North End, Low Carbon African Nova Scotian Community Ideas Mobilization

Preston Area Food Network, Growing Resilience: Youth Empowerment Through Sustainable Gardening

Rotaract Club of Halifax, Seeds of Tomorrow

Shambhala School, Turning the (Green) Tide: Investigating the Applications of Algal Climate Relief

Woodlawn High School’s Oceans Club in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation, From Land to Sea


Projects were awarded by a selection committee using criteria that included:

youth leadership or a youth-serving organization;

a connection to HalifACT, the municipality’s long-term climate action plan; and

the feasibility of the project and their impact on the community.

More details on the Youth Climate Action Fund program are available here.