WINDSOR JUNCTION: The new LWF Ratepayers Association (LWFRA) volunteer board has approved three grants to community-based organizations recently.
The LWFRA, which makes up the Lakeview-Windsor Junction-Fall River areas, presented funding totalling $12,500 to the LWF Heritage Society (represented by Sandra Carr); the Lions Christmas Express, represented by treasurer Barry Dalrymple; and the 1st Riverlake Scouts.
New LWFRA Chairman Jay Cameron was on hand as he presented the cheques to each group.

The LWFRA presented $3,000 to Carr for the LWF heritage Society; $4,500 to the Lions Christmas Express and $5,000 to the scouts.
With their COVID19-delayed AGM held recently, the new LWFRA board is comprised of Cameron as chair; Anthony Taylor in the vice chair role; Dalrymple as treasurer; and Rebecca (Becky) Matthews as secretary. The LWFRA is reachable by email at: lwfrainfo@gmail.com.
The primary funding from the LWFRA flows to the Windsor Junction Community Centre; Keloose; and the Lakeview Homeowners Association.
“However, based on HRM guidelines about area rates we are able to contribute funding to local groups that enhance recreation and social engagement opportunities for our community and its ratepayers,” said Cameron. “We are able to help out in this way because when HRM solicited feedback on area rates, our ratepayers stood up and spoke loudly in support of our rate and the good it brings.
“In fact, they spoke so loudly that the city cemented a process for other areas to create rate paying associations similar to ours.”

Cameron said they hope people will contact them with their ideas so they can help more community groups in the area.
“We hope to hear about opportunities for the LWFRA to help further the good work of our community groups,” he said.