From a release
VANCOUVER, B.C.: Patients in Nova Scotia had to wait on average 72 minutes to see a doctor at a walk-in clinic last year, which is 11 minutes shorter than in 2022.
However, that is well above the national average, according to the latest data provided by Medimap, a Canadian tech company that matches patients with walk-in clinics, pharmacists and allied health professionals to simplify access to care.
While wait-times were shorter than in 2022, the average wait time across the province was still higher than the national average at 68 minutes.
In Halifax the average wait time last year was 46 minutes, compared to 83 minutes in 2022.

“Nova Scotia is trying some really good things that are translating into some real improvements,” said Thomas Jankowski, CEO of Medimap.
“I hope that Medimap can help to move some low acuity cases into surrounding community clinics and pharmacies to further unload emergency rooms.”
In comparison, British Columbia recorded the longest average wait times to see a doctor, with patients waiting 93 minutes, while patients in Ontario waited on average 59 minutes to see a doctor.
More details about the average wait time for walk-in clinics in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Nova Scotia can be found at: