FALL RIVER: Another sign that the Fall River water project is coming online was made official on Dec. 18.
The new fire hydrants along Fall River Road and Highway 2 as part of the installation of the water extension project are good to go. So if there were any major fires along where they are located or near a fire call, firefighters could utilize them to battle the fire.
“The hydrants are in service and Halifax Water now owns and operates the system,” said a note from Halifax Water on Dec. 19. “The new water services installed as part of the Fall River Water Main Extension Project are now in service.”
Local schools will be getting connected within the next month or so to the water line. Expected to be connected first will be Ash Lee Jefferson, however it is all dependent on when they are ready to connect to the new system.
For connection information visit www.halifaxwater.ca, and click on the Fall River Water Project link.