NOEL: The Noel New Horizons Seniors is a group of approximately 20 seniors who meet on Wednesdays at the Hall in Noel. They make quilts, knit, or do other crafts.
Two years ago, headed by Margie Neumann, they started a Senior’s Free Lunch Program. Offered twice a month from April to the end of October, all meals are prepared & served by volunteers.
For the past two years, the seniors group has relied on a federal grant to fund the service.
Food insecurity in the area (not only for seniors but for everyone) prompted Margie and the other volunteers to start a Food Pantry to help residents of the area who may be struggling with having enough food. They receive donations of food and money from residents in the area & it is kept well stocked. Noel New Horizons Seniors group provide an invaluable service to their community.

Const. Preston Burns said the Enfield RCMP Detachment and its officers continue to support volunteer groups like New Horizons.
“When available, we attend the senior’s lunches and help serve food while meeting with community members who are very appreciative of the RCMPs involvement,” said Const. Burns.
Any organization who would like to have an officer present at their function(s) should not hesitate to Const. Burns, your community policing officer at the Enfield detachment. Call him at 902-883-7077.