Premier Tim Houston, and Hnats East PC Candidate John A. MacDobald stopped by Daddy Green's to chat with the owner as he came campaigning to the area on Wednesday morning. (Healey photo)

LANTZ: The big blue bus with “Make It Happen” emblazoned on the side made a trek to the community of Lantz on Wednesday morning.

Premier Tim Houston, some of his campaign staff, joined Hants East PC Candidate John A. MacDonald to go do some door knocking on day four of the provincial election.

The two met at the old Lantz school grounds where the bus and some staff parked their vehicles, before they went to visit a pair of business on Hwy 2 nearby.

Premier Tim Houston begins his walk to Logan Drive to do some canvassing. (Healey photo)


After chatting with the two business owners, they made their way across Highway 2 and down Logan Drive where they visited as many homes as they could, leaving the brochure behind at those homes that no one was home.

Houston did make a video with MacDonald letting people know he was there campaigning with him and to get out and vote before election day Nov. 26.

MacDonald will be running against Shannon MacWilliam for the Liberal Party and NDP candidate Abby Cameron.

Premier Tim Houston and John A. MacDonald, the Hants East PC Candidate, share a laugh at Leo’s Supermarket. (Healey photo)


Hants East PC Candidate John A. MacDonald and Premier Tim Houston leave a residents home as they head down Logan Drive to do some door knocking. (Healey photo)
An employee at Daddy Green’s talks with Premier Tim Houston about being from Lebanon and coming to Canada and working here. Also pictured is Hants East PC Candidate John A. MacDonald.