WALTON/EAST HANTS: The new Road Trails Act, introduced March 24, creates a permanent set of rules so off-highway vehicle (OHV) operators can safely enjoy their vehicles on roads at approved locations.
This also gives riders improved trail connections and better access to services like gas stations and restaurants.
“The OHV pilot project showed us that Nova Scotians want to be able to use their vehicles to have fun, meet up with friends and enjoy the natural beauty of our province,” said Public Works Minister Kim Masland.
“This legislation makes sure we can continue to use current OHV sites, while giving us a way to safely add more connections.”
The rules for using portions of provincial roads will remain the same as they were under the pilot project.
Riders are required to have a valid driver’s licence, insurance, registration and a licence plate.
The act also allows for enforcement of the rules and gives municipalities the ability to designate local streets for the use of off-highway vehicles through bylaws.
More information on the pilot program can be found here, including information on the pilot done in Walton.: https://novascotia.ca/ohv-pilot/#:~:text=The%20pilot%20allows%20four%2Dwheeled,stations)%20in%20selected%20pilot%20areas

“Our members across Nova Scotia have been patiently waiting for this day. This legislation will help us make vital connections, create safer travel and grow the local economy.”
– Barry Barnet, Executive Director, All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Nova Scotia
Quick Facts:
— the off-highway vehicle pilot project started in 2018 and will end October 2, 2023
— Nova Scotia’s Off-highway Vehicles Act has not been amended significantly since 2006