LANTZ: Volunteer firefighters once again walked the streets in the Lantz area collecting food for the Caring & Sharing Angel Tree Food Bank.
The 18th annual Lantz Fire and Indian Brook Fire Santa Claus Parade was held Dec. 12 through the subdivisions in the Lantz area.
“The food drive was a huge success,” said one of the organizers Angie Hawryluk, who along with Stuart Knockwood put the event on.
Many residents in Lantz look forward to this event from year to year, she said.
“Each year it has become bigger and bigger with route changes to try and accommodate new streets in the subdivision,” she added.
All of the food collected was delivered to the Caring & Sharing Angel Tree Food, who were anticipating helping more than 100 families this holiday season. A large majority of them have small children.
“Our event truly brings out the true Christmas spirit about giving,” said Hawryluk.