A donation from the RBC Foundation is helping the Strongest Families Institute. (Submitted photo)

HALIFAX:A $25,000 donation by RBC Foundation through RBC Future Launch will enhance Strongest Families
Institute’s (SFI) anxiety programs for youth and young adults, helping them build resiliency through the
acquisition of essential everyday life skills.

Strongest Families’ Defeat Anxiety and ICAN programs support youth and emerging adults struggling with anxiety, depression, and/or stress. Its skill-based program materials are available to people in hard copy, or online through the Strongest Families App.

The programs are facilitated by telephone support coaches and include weekly coaching sessions supplemented with videos, audio clips, and journaling.


One sign that anxiety is a concern is when youth start to avoid doing the things they used to do, such as going to school, staying at school or in class, and socializing with peers. If youth are avoiding these situations because of too much anxiety, that is where Strongest Families’ programs can help.

“One of the best ways to help youth conquer their anxiety is to equip them with skills that are used to control anxiety signs and then gradually expose them to a major worry, step-by-step. Strongest Families calls this a Worry List or Exposure Plan

“Thanks to the generous donation from RBC, we will be able to enhance this important step-by-step process, so it is easier for youth to learn it and follow it again and again, long after our program is completed.

“Youth will learn that following an Exposure Plan is an important part of their mental fitness routine!” – explains Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie, President and CEO of Strongest Families Institute.


RBC Foundation’s donation will support advancements of SFI’s Exposure Plan through electronic automation so that this important skill is easily accessible to youth – at their fingertips. Once developed, youth will be able to access a library of Exposure Plans with step-by-step guides to help defeat anxiety and build confidence, especially as they return to school, college, or university.

“Our commitment to youth mental well-being is focused on prevention and early intervention programs that help provide young people timely access to knowledge, support, and care, when and where they need it,” said Vinita Savani, Regional President, Atlantic Provinces, RBC.

“That’s why we’re so pleased to partner with Strongest Families Institute, to advance their evidence-based programs in becoming even more robust and user-friendly, to help more youth.”

SFI programs are inclusive and accessible to individuals from all backgrounds and demographics. Our programs are open to the general population, and we strive to provide equal opportunities and benefits to everyone. We believe in promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and equal access for all participants.

SFI Programs are available across the Atlantic Provinces. A full list of other areas can be found on our