WAVERLEY: From the sounds of the voices in the lineup outside Waverley Memorial School’s library, the students in Grade 4-5-6 that were taking part in Student Vote 2019 were very engaged with the candidates running in Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook.
Student Vote is an program operated by CIVIX aimed at providing students the opportunity to experience the voting process firsthand and practice the habits of active and informed citizenship.

At WMES, students cast their ballots on Oct. 16. Other students at Georges P. Vanier Junior high, for example, were voting on Oct. 17 and Oct. 18.
Librarian Michelle Dey looked after both Student Votes at WMES and G.P. Vanier Junior High. She said the students at Waverley were excited to take part.
”I hope the students gain confidence sop when they reach 18 that they feel that they can vote with ease,” said Dey. “They can learn about it and be part of it, and they will feel prepared.”

Kaden Sprague was helping out as a poll clerk. He said it was one of the many roles there are on Election Day, and one he was happy to be assigned.
“It’s pretty cool to be involved in something that kids normally don’t,” he said. “I used to think going to vote is scary, but now I don’t think it is so much.”
Student Brianna Watson said she can’t wait until she is 18 and can vote for real.
“This is something that only our parents get to do,” said Watson. “It’s hard to decide who to vote for but that’s why we did a lot of reading about the candidates.”
Now speaking with students who got to vote, Ava Manley said it was fun. She offered up that she voted for the Green Party’s Anthony Edmonds, and explained why.
“It’s like being a parent and voting for a party you like,” said Manley. “The Greens are doing a lot of things for the Earth and garbage, and a lot of other good things.”

Edmonds and the Green Party was also the choice of Falon Lane.
“They’re helping people with the environment and making our planet safer,” she said.
Dey said it’s good to get them engaged at this age. The students viewed a video sent by CIVIX, and were given a bit of background on the local candidates in Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook.
“Just going through the process will allow it to be something familiar, they’ll recognize it when they can vote,” she said. “It also gets them talking about the political party’s, people that represent us, democracy.”
Results of the voting was scheduled to be released by CIVIX following the closure of the polls in B.C. on Election Day, Oct. 21.