FALL RIVER: Trick or treating has paid off yet again for one young Fall River youth.
Sarah MacDonald-Miles had set an expectation that she wanted to beat the amount of food she collected through the Halloween Hunger Heroes Food Drive in 2020 (over 830 pounds of food).
She did that and then some this year, thanks to the support of the Fall River community. The Lockview High Grade 12 student collected 1,272 pounds of food for Feed Nova Scotia, when all was said and done.
It was the sixth year that the Halloween Hunger Heroes Food Drive took place.
Here is video of the Halloween Hunger Heroes Food drive and an interview with Sarah once it was all collected.
We interviewed her the day before she took the food to be dropped off and get the official weigh total at Feed N.S. Video by: Dagley Media:

Despite the less then ideal Trick or Treating weather conditions, they even had around 30 kids show up at the “Coffin on Concord.” Some were unaware of what it was that MacDonald-Miles was doing so they were told, others brought food to drop off.
Meanwhile, MacDonald-Miles and her girlfriend visited about four neighbouring homes where they collected approximately five or six bags full of food.
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She wished to express her thanks to all those who donated and supported the food drive.
With it being her senior year at LHS and not sure where she will be attending for post-secondary, there’s a chance she may not be in Fall River next year. If not, she has a wish.
“If I’m not here, I would like for a youth who engages in the community to take this food drive on and continue it,” said MacDonald-Miles. “We would certainly help with it.”
For more on what MacDonald-Miles does, checkout the Links of Love Facebook page.