FALL RIVER: Traffic calming and paving of roads in a Fall River subdivision are part of the proposed 2022-20223 capital budget for the HRM.
According to a post on Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon’s Facebook page, paving of Coach Avenue from Hwy2 to Howe Avenue, Howe Avenue from Philip Drive to Henry Avenue and Philip Drive from Howe Avenue to Civic 241 is part of the proposed capital budget.
“Additionally, under the Traffic Calming Administrative Order, a review of Howe Avenue and Philip Drive was completed which included the collection of vehicle speed and volume data as well as other features of the roadway,” said the post.
“As a result, Howe Avenue and Philip Drive were identified as eligible for traffic calming measures.”
The post continued, indicating that speed table was selected as the appropriate traffic calming measure for Howe Avenue and Philip Drive.
A map showing the planned locations is provided below for approximate speed table locations on Howe Avenue and Philip Drive.
The posts says that the locations may vary slightly during construction to minimize the impacts on driveways and drainage structures.
For more information regarding traffic calming in HRM, please visit the website: https://www.halifax.ca/…/traffic-calming-safer-streets