WAVERLEY/EAST HANTS: More than 850 athletes, including several high-profile ones from Nova Scotia, have applied to CAN Fund for financial support as they prepare for the upcoming Summer and Winter Olympic Games.
CAN Fund provides financial support to athletes representing Canada on the world stage. It was created in a hospital room by Founder Jane Roos.
While having her second back operation Roos thought she would use her time to support a few athletes. Today, CAN Fund is the leading direct funder to able-bodied and para-athletes and has built a strong legacy having impacted the lives of thousands of athletes since 2003.
Now for the first time in CAN Fund history there are a Summer and Winter Games back-to-back in a year.
Recently 850 athletes applied to CAN Fund for direct financial support, and in an unprecedented pandemic year, the need has never been more paramount. Which is why right now hundreds of athletes are teaming up to share CAN Fund in their networks.
One of those local athletes is Dylan Bennett.
“As a Canadian athlete myself representing Canada in taekwondo, I am trying to help as much as I can, so more athletes can be funded,” he said.
Right now our summer athletes receiving CAN Fund support in their final preparations could be the difference between qualifying for the Games or not, the difference between the podium or not, said Bennett. And for our winter athletes training for February 2022, they too are at a critical stage in their journey embarking on their most demanding training cycle with their Games only eight months away.
“CAN Fund is a huge part of the foundation of who I am as an athlete. Life is all about extra inches, and being supported by CAN Fund gives me that extra inch to help me be the best I can be so that I can make Canada proud every time I pull that jersey over my head,” said Jill Saulnier, Olympic hockey silver medalist and multiple CAN Fund Recipient.
More Canadians who want to be a part of an athlete’s success need to know that CAN Fund exists.
“With each donation the donor finds out the name of the athlete they are supporting and receives a tax receipt,’ said Bennett.
Each athlete recipient receives $6000 to use towards the cost of extra physio, nutrition, coaching, equipment, training camps, travel to competitions and paying team fees.

Here is the list of 2020/2021 CAN Fund recipients to date. Many of these incredible athletes you will recognize from your city/province: https://canadianathletesnow.ca/recent-athlete-recipients/
Following is a list of ways to support the athletes:
CAN Fund One Time Donation Link: https://bit.ly/1B8YQEV
Become a CAN Fund Monthly Donor by donating $10 or more a month: https://bit.ly/1B8YQEV
Become a CAN Fund #150Women Donation and join women who are donating $150 or more and supporting female athletes. Donation Link: http://bit.ly/2izaBBp