COLUMN: 100 Dads

By Doreen Coady

As a Parenting Columnist for The Weekly Press, I’m thrilled to join Patrick on his journalism journey. In anticipation of the upcoming release of 100 Dads 1000 Tips 1 Million Reasons I will be sharing content in each online edition, featuring 1 of 100 Dads.

In my efforts to provide “The Village” to parents everywhere, 100 Dads will join 100 Moms (published in 2019, available on Amazon) in sharing their wishes and wisdom with the world. 100 Dads provide a distinct and magnificent collection of shared experience, conveying the depth, devotion and breadth of fatherhood.

Woven throughout, I share my own personal parenting journey, describing the darkness and delicacy, the misfortune and the milestones and the magic and wonderment of being a parent. I reflect on my own Dad as well as my past parenting. I gained great insight and I hope you will too.

100 Dads are a collection of a diverse group in terms of age groups, cultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, occupations, religions, sexual orientations, abilities, family structures and outcomes. Parents range in age from 19 to 95, with a wide cross cultural representation including individuals with Afro-centric, Asian, Indigenous and Arabian heritage.

Dads contribute advice on how they managed all stages of parenting, from prenatal care to an empty nest. These parents have tackled sleep deprivation, toilet training, school years, court systems, disabilities, drugs, deep pride and disappointment.

They share their celebrations, regrets, successes and the wisdom that comes with experience. Parents embraced the vulnerability of sharing so “the village” would be available to everyone.

Please join my Facebook page (200 Parents 2000 Tips), also found on Instagram and Twitter. There you’ll find sneak peaks and added content. I hope all Moms and Dads will enjoy the content and share the posts with others.

I’ve learned a lot doing this work. One thing I know for sure, we’re more alike than we are different!