MILFORD: The Milford and area community showed once again, like most in East Hants, they have big hearts for those in need.
That was evident as the Shubenacadie & District Volunteer fire department and their neighbours the Milford Volunteer Fire department teamed up for a great cause last month.
Both departments held a food bank drive in support of Shumilacke Food Bank as Spring hit the region.

The food drive was held at the Milford Foodland and many customers to the Foodland stopped by and dropped off some canned, non-perishable items for the food drive.
Firefighters said the Milford Country Store and CobbCo Sign Design also supported the food drive and allowed it to happen by the Foodland.
Donations from the community came to 150kg (330lbs) of food and $211.
Shubenacadie Fire Department also kindly donated $1,000.