FALL RIVER: If a PC government is elected on Aug. 17, Nova Scotia parents and educators won’t have to wait long before hearing of what the safe back to school plan is, the leader of the party said.
In an interview with The Laker News, Houston said he would arrange meetings the night after the election with Dr. Robert Strang on Aug. 18. Houston answered questions on the campaign bus at the old Lawn Guy property before going door knocking with Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank candidate Brian Wong.
“In terms specifically of the back to school, on Wednesday (Aug. 18) as Premier, I’m going to meet with Dr. Strang to talk about a number of issues, and get some information from public health,” said Houston. “We’re going to be respectful of Dr. Strang. We’re going to be respectful of public health and the decisions that go forward.
“We’ll have those meetings next week. I know families are anxious as soon as the campaign is over, we’re going to focus on that.”

Houston said the PC Party have met with a lot of educators.
“Healthcare is the top priority, but education is right there too. It’s not minimized in our eyes whatsoever,” Houston said.
He said a PC government will see the return of school boards.
‘We’re going to return school boards to communities so they can have a say in what happens in their community,” he said.
He said the NS PC will respect Nova Scotians, if elected.
“The number one thing for a PC government is respect Nova Scotians,” said Houston. “Respect healthcare workers; respect educators; respect communities and there abilities to have input into decisions. All those things are corner stone to government accountability.”
Here is the video interview with PC Leader Tim Houston. Video edited by: Dagley Media
Houston said the meetings with public health and Dr. Strang with be prioritized once the PC’s form government, but he’s clear meeting with healthcare professionals will also be top priority within the first 100 days.
‘We’re going to make sure they know that they will have a partner in a PC government,” said Houston. “They’re already feeling it now. We’re hearing from them.”
He said those who have come forward to them are encouraged by the investment the PC’s are looking at putting into healthcare.
“They know they will have a government that will respect healthcare and they’re looking forward to working with us,” he said.

He said the campaign across the province has been one that has gone well.
“I’m very excited,” said Houston. “We have a great slate of candidates. We have a vision for what’s possible in this province.
“We’re very focused on fixing healthcare, and it’s really resonating with Nova Scotians.”
He said the PC’s have been upfront that it’s going to cost money to improve that.
“It’s a significant investment, but after eight years of neglect there’s an investment required,” said Houston.
He said they have been clear there’s a lot of investments needed in various departments in N.S.
“It’s going to take time and investment, but we’re coming off eight years of Liberal neglect,” he said.
Houston said the PC’s have the momentum as the days wind down to the Aug. 17 election.
“We feel the momentum, and I know from the actions of my opponents that they also feel the same momentum I am feeling,” he said. “We’re very confident heading into Tuesday.”