MILFORD: The HERH lady Tigers had four home games over two days this week, with them coming up short in two of the contests.
The Tigers welcomed North Nova Gryphons to the ballfield at the Milford Rec Hall grounds on Wednesday.
HERH was also scheduled to play CEC on Thursday, and then ehaded to Yarmouth for a tournament on the weekend.
Hants East fell in a close game in the championship game in Yarmouth after going 4-0 in the round robin.
Against North Nova on Wednesday, Sydney Babineau led HERH with two doubles and three singles.
Helen Hilt had a double and three singles.
Meanwhile, on the slab Royce Nevin, Ashlyn Barbrick, and Zoë Miller pitched well from the mound.
Defensively, there were great plays made by Kelsey Brothers, Jade Miller, and Helen Hilt to keep it close.