MAIN PHOTO: The Brenda Wickstrom Memorial Scholarship was rpesented to LHS grads Grace Lancaster; Emma Archibald; and Abbi Gaudry recently. (Healey photo)
FALL RIVER: Three deserving alumnus of the Fall River Rebels basketball program have been selected as recipients of a community scholarship named in honour of a long-time Rebels volunteer.
Abbi Gaudry ($500); Grace Lancaster ($1,000); and Emma Archibald ($500), all 2021 Lockview High graduates, were announced by the Rebels and Brenda Wickstrom Scholarship organizers as this year’s recipients. Rebels basketball president Stephen Boudreau and Steve Wickstrom, Brenda’s husband, presented the scholarships to the three outside Lockview High on July 6.
Usually, it is one male and one female awarded; however no male graduates applied and the three did, so the $2,000 scholarship was split between the three based on criteria.
The scholarship is named in honour of Wickstrom, who was a member of the executive of Fall River Basketball in the late nineties until her passing in 2004. The scholarship was first presented in 2005.
From an evaluation end and how the recipients are chosen, please see below:
- Applicants are chosen and evaluated on a points system which is scored on the following:
- Academics (average marks)
- Fall River Rebels Involvement (years played/involved with Rebels)
- Community Involvement (points awarded for volunteer work)
- Extra-Curricular Activity (point awarded for other sports, etc.)
- Training and Certifications (point awarded for coaching certificates, other certifications, etc.)
- Note: Applicants must show proof of acceptance and intention of secondary school (university, college, trade).

The three ladies are appreciative of being selected as a recipient of the scholarship, which will help towards their post-secondary education.
“It’s a really good honour,” said Lancaster, who is off to UPEI for basketball. “I didn’t know Brenda personally, but I’ve gone to the fundraisers in her memory before. Being able to receive this in her name is really important.
“I think it’s really special.”

Gaudry, who is now focused on track and field, and Archibald, who is also a track and field athlete now, both agree with Lancaster.
“I just think the Rebels have taught me so much in life through sports,” said Archibald, of Fall River. “It’s really enhanced my love of sports.”
“I think it’s really amazing to have the scholarship in Brenda’s name,” said Windsor Junction’s Gaudry, off to Dal this September. “Too often when people pass away they aren’t honoured the way they should be. I think specifically Brenda was an amazing woman.
“I’m glad we can kind of carry on her legacy. We’re all immensely proud we can represent her this way.”