Premier Tim Houston. (Communications N.S. Photo)

From a release

HALIFAX: The government passed legislation that will help workers and create an environment for improved economic growth during the latest session of the House of Assembly, which ended September 20.

“We are standing up for Nova Scotians and will continue to do so,” said Premier Tim Houston.

“Our legislation supports workers and families, will help industry grow to create rural jobs, and ensures we can keep building homes to tackle the housing crisis.

“This session also saw the members of the legislature debate important issues impacting Nova Scotians.

“While in the legislature we repeated calls to end the federal carbon tax – the federal government’s tax costs Nova Scotians nearly $400 million per year.”


The legislature also debated matters such as the Chignecto Isthmus and the federal government’s proposal to send more asylum seekers to Nova Scotia.

“Our position on the isthmus is clear – we believe this is a federal project,” said Houston.

“We will continue to advocate for the best deal for Nova Scotians.”

Premier Houston said the federal proposal to send more asylum seekers to Nova Scotia is unacceptable.

We have a strategic and sustainable plan to grow our population over the long-term,” he said.

Ottawa’s plan to suddenly send 6,000 asylum seekers to our province is unsustainable and wouldn’t be in the best interest of Nova Scotians.”

“This session showed we are driving hard bargains on behalf of Nova Scotians. Whether infrastructure or immigration, we want what is best for the people of Nova Scotia,” said Houston.


Legislation passed this session includes:

– Act to Establish a Department of Emergency Management and the Nova Scotia Guard Act

– Health Professional Associations Continuation Act

– Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act

– Interim Residential Rental Increase Cap Act and Residential Tenancies Act

– Advancing Nova Scotia Opportunities Act

– French-language Services Act

– the NDP’s Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act