WINDSOR JUNCTION: The MLA for Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank said he is aware of the concerns residents have with a development project at the end of Ingram Drive that was curtailed by HRM but was granted approval by the provincial housing panel on Friday.
Brian Wong, who is also the Advanced Education minister, spoke to The Laker News on Sunday morning from out of the country about the news the province had approved a special designated area which will allow Perry Lake Developments proposal for a 120-unit apartments to proceed.
In our article on Sunday, we wrote about the provincial Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing which can be found here:
The initial story on the designation for the development site which left Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon disappointed and upset can be found here:
Wong was asked if he had heard from residents about the concerns they have ranging from lack of infrastructure for a development as proposed (no alternative access, lack of amenities nearby, lack of transit, traffic, wastewater/septic, and more).
“I’m familiar with concerns from people who support and oppose the development,” said Wong. “We love our neighborhoods and want to do everything we can to preserve and protect where we live. But our province is growing as well.
“We need more housing so that folks in our area have more options to live within their own community.”
He said HRM Planning staff deemed this to be a good project.
“The Executive Panel on Housing is responding to the need for housing in our area,” said Wong.
Wong was asked if he knew the approval for the designation for what is named Fall River South (Opportunity Site C) was coming, and if he did why not talk to other public officials such as Deagle Gammon.
“The Executive Panel on Housing has been looking at development proposals that were recommended by HRM Planning Staff but did not get moved forward,” said Wong.
““I knew that the development was being reviewed but did not know the timeline or the decision before it was approved.”
“Protecting the environment and our communities are always top of mind for me,” he said. “I will certainly put my trust into the experts that design the systems and the Department of Environment and Climate Change that approves them.”
Wong did take issue with Halifax Transit and HRM not seeing the area as deserving of a transit route.
“It would be very beneficial for so many, especially our youth and seniors,” he said.
He said the developer, Perry Lake Developments, submitted a request for designation as a special planning area to the Executive Panel on Housing in HRM for consideration.
“After discussions, the panel brought a recommendation for designation forward to the Minister for approval,” said Wong.
What does that designation by Minister John Lohr mean?
“With the designation, the Minister now has the authority to make planning and development decisions within the area as outlined under the Housing in Halifax Regional Municipality Act,” said Wong.
“It will now be the responsibility of the developer to re-engage with HRM planning to work through the municipal planning and development process.”
He said it could be anticipated that a request will come forward from planning staff regarding the access over the CN Rail line.
“We can anticipate at some point, HRM Planning staff will bring a request forward to the Executive Panel with a recommendation to amend the MPS to remove the existing requirement for a road connection over the CN Rail line,” said Wong.
“Without this amendment, there can be no development.”