WELLINGTON: The communities of Wellington, Fall River, Fletchers Lake, Grand Lake and area may look a little nicer now thanks to community volunteers.
A large group-more than 20 of them-joined together on April 27 to pick up trash alongside our roadways.
The group was organized through the Wellington-Fletchers Lake Station House.
It was the second year for the community cleanup.
After the cleanup was complete, a BBQ was held at the Wellington-Fletchers Lake Station House, provided by JPF Construction.
Looking at the bags of garbage once all was done, there was plenty collected from Highway 2 in the communities they had people collecting.
The volunteers were spotted near the lake in Fletchers Lake by Holland Road and up as far as just past Brookhill Estates by The Laker News as we went to a couple other assignments.
Deputy Mayor and local Councillor Cathy Deagle Gammon thanked the volunteers in a post on her Fcaebook page for taking the time to pitch in and help clean up their communities.