Province announces limits increasing for sports, arts

Dr. Robert Strang (Communications N.S. Photo)

HALIFAX: Nova Scotia’s top doc has announced that beginning Feb. 7, restrictions are easing for sports practices and arts and culture rehearsals.

Dr. Robert Strang, the chief medical officer of health for the province, also said in a release Feb. 4 that all other restrictions will remain in place until February 14.

“Being cautious has served us well throughout the pandemic and we’re continuing that approach as we develop plans to gradually ease restrictions,” said Dr. Strang.

“We’re taking this initial step because we recognize the physical and mental health benefits of having full sports practices and rehearsals for arts and culture performances.”

Sports practices and rehearsals for arts and culture performances can have up to 25 people indoors and 50 outdoors. They cannot have multiple groups, games or performances. Spectators are still not permitted.

Decisions about gradually easing other restrictions will be announced soon. Current restrictions are listed at: .

Additional Resources:
Nova Scotia coronavirus website:

COVID-19 testing and online booking:

Government of Canada: or 1-833-784-4397 (toll-free)

The Mental Health Provincial Crisis Line is available 24/7 to anyone experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis, or someone concerned about them, by calling 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free)