WAVERLEY: With the holiday season upon us, and thus parties, RCMP Traffic Services were bringing awareness to motorists to not drive impaired.
At the Hwy 102 overpass on Cobequid Road between Windsor Junction and Waverley on Dec. 20, Cpl. Guillaume Tremblay said the road checkpoint was all about educating the public.
“We just wanted to bring some education about impaired driving whether it’s by alcohol or drugs,” he said. “We want to ensure people have a sober driver during the holiday parties.
“It was all about educating the public on impaired driving.”

RCMP were stopping motorists and checking to ensure they were not impaired while driving along the busy stretch of road. They were also checking license plate expiry, drivers licenses, and other mvi infractions.
Cpl. Tremblay said drivers will see increased patrols and sobriety checkpoints at all times of day and night across Nova Scotia.
“Officers with the RCMP are working to help keep our roads safe this holiday season,” he said.

Cpl. Tremblay said motorists can help out.
If you believe someone is driving impaired or is otherwise an immediate threat to public safety, please call 911.
At the road checkpoint on this day, officers were showing some motorists how the roadside screening device worked.
Most who were stopped while we were there appeared to be happy to see the police enforcement as Christmas holiday season was in full form.