MPs News and Views with Darrell Samson
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On behalf of myself and my team, I would like to extend good wishes to everyone...
Wellness Within: Staying healthy this holiday season
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By Deborah Peddle-Hann
The holiday season can be a time for celebration and enjoyment, but it can also be...
COLUMN: Practice makes progress
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Almost everyone can relate to those days of learning an instrument and hearing “you need to practice.” It is so true:...
COLUMN: MP’s News and Views with Darrell Samson
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Fisheries and Oceans Canada has announced that up to $28.4 million in federal funding will be available specifically for...
Wellness Within: Vegetarians and Protein
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By Deborah Peddle-Hann
“You’re a vegetarian? How do you get enough Protein?”
If you’re a vegetarian or trying to eat more...
OP-ED: Nova Scotians will remember feds implementation of Carbon Tax: Premier Houston
The following is a statement from Premier Tim Houston, as sent to media:--------------------------------------------------------I want to express my profound disappointment in the decision by the...
WELLNESS WITHIN: 7 activities to get you out and get active this fall
by Deborah Peddle-Hann
Are you looking for fun and active things to do this fall? There is no denying that autumn is stunning in Nova...
Minister of L’nu Affairs statement on National Truth and Reconciliation Week
HALIFAX: The following is a statement from Karla MacFarlane, Minister of L'nu Affairs.
September 26-30 is Truth and Reconciliation Week in Canada, a time to...
Minister issues statement on Carbon Plan deadline
The following is a statement issued by the provincial government from Timothy Halman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
HALIFAX: Today (Sept. 1), Premier Tim...
COLUMN: Wealth advice from Jennifer Rideout, Assante Capital
Active Investing, Passive Investing, or Both?
It’s a big debate in the world of finance: Should you be a Passive or Active investor? There are...