FALL RIVER: The province’s Chief Medical officer of health hinted that restrictions around fans at hockey games, and other sporting events, may be loosened as early as next week.
At the COVID19 briefing on Feb. 3, Dr. Robert Strang was asked if there was any anticipation in allowing fans into hockey games or any sporting events in the next two weeks.
“That is part of the conversations we’re looking at in terms of gatherings in general,” said Dr. Strang.
The question came about after it was sent to The Laker News from East Hants Jr. Penguins. There are reports if fans are not allowed in the league they play in, the NSJHL, is seriously thinking of shutting down after next week if fans are not allowed in.
Dr. Strang said he would have more to say on the potential loosening of restrictions during the Feb. 5 COVID19 briefing.
The Laker News hopes to be able to be on that call as well.