GRAND LAKE: If the fan reaction was any indication, the Family Friendly Wrestling shows put on by Dave Boyce will be making a stop in Grand Lake-Oakfield Community Centre a regular occurrence.
From all indications, it was definitely a good first impression that was left by the wrestlers on the fans and vice versa.
Close to 100 fans from across the area, Halifax, Fall River, Elmsdale, Beaver Bank, and of course Grand Lake came out to take in the fun exciting action from Boyce’s show.
Initially scheduled to have five matches, there was a surprise for fans as a sixth got added by Boyce after a wrestler was attacked by members of the team that support Ethan Knight.
As the fans gave it to the wrestlers—even some not much taller then a pumpkin—the wrestlers gave it back to. All in fun.
The afternoon started off with fan favourite Rudy Lockhart battling Hollywood Cole who gave off the vibe that he was the King and all that.
Well, with the fans cheering him on—and maybe a slight tug of Cole’s wrestling shorts unbeknownst to the referee—Lockhart got the pinfall.
At the three count the crowd erupted, while Cole was dazed not believing he was pinned by a much smaller wrestler.
Cole came to the ring with teammates Madison Miles and Ethan Knight, but he sent them to the back before the match started saying how beating Rudy would be easy.
Guess that came back on him, as he could have used their help.

The next match saw Madison Miles go against Ronnie Payne. It was an entertaining match, which to the dismay of the crowd Miles won.
Miles had some outside help to distract Payne who had the upper hand until that happened, and thus Miles had her arm raised by referee Ricky in victory.

The next match was Dawson James facing Joey White.
There was some high flying moves in this match.
During the intermission, fans got to pick up some merchandise and even autographs.
Although, one young fan got lectured by one wrestler—Knight, who he had been giving it to.
The interaction left a smile on the kids face although Knight wasn’t smiling as the kid was good at comebacks and kept it up.
A teammate had to fake pretend hold Knight back from leaping across the table, although he probably would have injured himself in doing so.
Max Power and Olafur Hanson, from Iceland, kicked the second half of the card.

The final match of the night—or so the fans were told—would see Knight take to the ring to face off against high flying Jonathan Cross, who was very much the favourite of the crowd.
This match would give Knight a chance to show the little fan that was heckling him earlier what he is all about. Only the little guy kept it up and it seemed to get to Knight who was distracted.
With Cross having the advantage, Knight had tor ely on interference form Miles and Cole in order to avoid a legitimate beat down and loss.
And just when they had a three on one, out came Rudy and Ronnie to aid and help Cross.
At that point, with their tails between their legs (figuratively), Knight and his two sore loser partners headed for the back.
BUT not so fast, Boyce wasn’t going to let them leave before giving the fans a show. So he made a three on three match, right then and there.
In the end, it was Ronnie getting the pin on Hollywood Cole, sending the crowd into a high pitch of applause. She was exuberent as the bell rang and the ref raised her hand.
And as they left the ring, the winners all did a pose for the crowd which applauded loudly, and that was the capper for the first Family Friendly Wrestling event in Grand Lake.
Expect there to more next year when Boyce gets his wrestling shows going again.