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NOEL: Here is a look at the May calls for area local fire departments throughout East Hants and Stewiacke.
The calls listed below are provided by participating departments, including Elmsdale fire; Stewiacke fire; Lantz fire; Mount Uniacke fire; Noel fire; Enfield fire; Nine Mile River fire; Kennetcook fire; and Milford fire.
We would like to welcome Noel fire to the fire house column.
Elmsdale fire responded to 16 calls, led by 12 medical assists. They also were paged to two fire calls and two mvc’s.
For Stewiacke fire, they responded to 16 calls last month, led by seven medical assists. The fire crews also had two mutual aid calls to Indian Brook.
Firefighters with the Colchester County department also were paged to one of each of the following: car fire; residential fire alarm; one public assist (horse stuck in mud); a woods fire; mvc; chimney fire; and a suspicious odour call.
Nine Mile River fire had seven calls, with four of those being mutual aid to a neighbouring department/. Two others were standby at station and one brush/woods fire.
For Noel Fire, firefighters responded to 12 calls in the month of May, led by seven medical assists.
They also had one each of: mutual aid for a structure fire; mutual aid for a landfill fire; an mvc; mutual aid brush fire; and standby at station.
Milford Fire responded to 17 calls in May. 14 of these calls were to assist as Mutual Aid to neighbouring departments. Of the 17 calls, six were Motor Vehicle Collisions; four Residential Structure Fires; two Grass Fires; one Woods Fire; and one Medical.
Firefighters had three calls to investigate smoke or possible woods fires.
The department would like to remind its residents that they are celebrating their 80th Anniversary this year. An Open House for the community will be on June 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The department wishes to thank all the residents and business’ in the corridor for their continued support to all the Fire Departments within the East Hants Fire Service.
For Enfield fire, they responded to 24 calls led by nine medical assists, with seven brush fires following close behind.
Firefighters also were paged to four mutual aid calls and four mvc’s.
Lantz fire heard the “sounds of their people” 25 times in May, with 13 medical assists leading that tally. They also had five mvc’s; three structure fires; two alarm activations; one public assist; and one grass/brush fire.
For Kennetcook fire, they had 13 calls in total, led by five medical assists.
The department was also paged for two woods fires; two mvc’s; one structure fire; one atv request; one landfill fire; and one atv accident.
Mount Uniacke fire had 26 calls in May, with 12 medical assists leading the way. They also had five mvc’s, three fire alarms; three illegal burns; and three mutual aid calls.
Uniacke Fire would like to thank DNRR and all fire departments from East Hants Fire Service, West Hants Fire Service, and Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency Services for their assistance with tackling our brush fire on May 24. Your hard work and assistance is greatly appreciated.
From the Firehouse is brought to you by: