Group of Advocates walking for Peace from Pugwash to Halifax

Walk for Peace logo. (Submitted photo)

ENFIELD/SHUBENACADIE: In a powerful demonstration of unity and commitment to global peace, a diverse group
of 20 peace advocates will walk 200 kilometers.

The Walking Together for Peace walk left Pagweak/Pugwash on September 8, and walking to Kjipuktuk/Halifax, Nova Scotia and arriving on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2024.

Historical Significance

The walk draws inspiration from the Pugwash Conference of 1957, where scientists agreed on dismantling nuclear weapons at the height of the Cold War.

Global Participation and Solidarity with participants from Nova Scotia, across Canada, India, and Japan and over 50 solidarity walks occurring in India and in Canadian schools, engaging with local communities and schools along the route.


Key Events:

Pugwash Launch: September 8, 2024, 12:30 – 4:00 pm, Thinker’s Lodge Historic
Site | Hybrid Event Registration (Sept 8)

Tatamagouche: September 10, 2024, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, Sharon United Church |
Hybrid Event Registration (Sept 10)

Truro: September 13, 2024, 4:30 -5:30, DownTheMarsh Community Land Trust |
Hybrid Event Registration (Sept 13)

Sept 21: International Day of Peace Halifax-walking from World Peace Pavilion
to Dalhousie University via Ummah Mosque. From 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Featuring discussions, motivational speeches, music and lunch, embodying the spirit of peace and unity.


  1. Notable Participants and Speakers:

Dorene Bernard: Mi’kmaq grandmother, water protector, and cultural teacher

Rajagopal PV and Dr. Jill Carr Harris: Gandhian social movement leaders

Dr. Reva Joshee: Mahatma Gandhi Foundation for World Peace

Ellen Woodsworth: Co Pres. Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom Cnd

Lyn Adamson, National co-Chair, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Objectives and Impact:

This peace walk aims to Re-awaken courage and inspiration for nonviolent conflict resolution, advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons, promote reallocation of defense spending towards urgent social priorities and engage in conversations about disarmament and divestment from the weapons industry.


Collaborating Organizations:

● Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

● Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom – Canada

● Jai Jagat International

● Science for Peace

● Canadian Pugwash Group

● Canadian chapter of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

● International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

● Peace Quest

● Reverse The Trend

● Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace

For more information & updates: