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HRM: The Halifax Regional Municipality has established a new Anti-Black Racism (ABR) Grants program to increase the African descent community’s capacity to address anti-Black racism through grassroots projects and initiatives.

Anti-Black racism is a form of discrimination uniquely rooted in the particular history of Black people which is informed by the legacies of enslavement and colonization and experienced by Black people every day across the municipality and the world.

Project grants are available to support community-based initiatives developed and delivered at the local level.


Applicants must demonstrate how their project aligns with the municipality’s commitment to support communities in addressing one or more of the following negative impacts of anti-Black racism:

  • racial segregation
  • historic omission
  • lack of recognition
  • systemic expropriation
  • negative portrayer in the media and literature

The municipality will be accepting applications for the ABR Grants program from September 1 to October 31, 2024.

More information, including eligibility criteria, is available at