WAVERLEY: It’s that jolly time of the year, and where better to find a great Christmas gift for that loved one then at the Christmas crafts ale at the Waverley Legion.
The Incredible Christmas Craft Market will feature more than 80 vendors during the two-day event Nov. 18-19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, its new organizers say.
It will feature a huge selection of handmade gifts and favorite vendors, and the best part you will be supporting local. There will be a canteen, prizes, and Santa may even make an appearance.
The new organizers say it should be a merry good time with crafters, photographers, and more selling their hand made art work and creations.
The items up for sale would make for some great Christmas morning gifts for those who love art work and handmade knick knacks.
Admission to the Incredible Christmas Craft Market at the Waverley Legion is $2.
More information on the sale can be found at: