DUTCH SETTLEMENT: The Grade 6 students at Dutch settlement Elementary hosted an event that showcased countries from around the world.
The multicultural festival, held Feb. 15, was the culmination of many weeks of students conducting research on their chosen country.
It was very well attended and was enjoyed by all, said John Ardley, Grade 6 teacher at the Musquodoboit Valley school in the HRM community.

Ardley said students had to research many cultural elements, like the location, history, geography, climate, economy, government, food, and sports of their chosen country and use the writing process (e.g. note taking, rough draft, editing and revising and final published copy) to put it together.
“The students thoroughly enjoyed showcasing their knowledge and sharing facts they learned by engaging with fellow students, other teachers and the general public during the festival,” said Ardley.
He said he was extremely impressed with the overall success of the festival.
“I’m very proud of my students for the high level of performance they exhibited during the festival and for all of their hard work and commitment leading up to the event,” he said.

Ardley said there were many delicious, sweet, and savory dishes (cuisines) from around the world.
Each of the foods were ones that tickled the palate.
“I would like to thank all who helped make this event come to fruition and also thank those who attended,” he said.