Const. Andrew Ouellette with some of the youth awarded a gift card for their use of helmets while riding their bicycles. (Submitted photo)

ELMSDALE: An East Hants RCMP officer has partnered with two local coffee shops to raise awareness and increase use of helmets by youth in Hants County.

Const. Andrew Ouellette said he’s teamed up with Elmsdale and Enfield Tim Hortons with the aim of increasing helmet by youths across East Hants. He is the School Safety Resource Officer for East Hants.

“Prior to the school year winding down I went to schools and awarded students who wear the helmets while using their bikes, scooters etc., with $5 Tim Horton gift cards,” said Const. Ouellette.


With the school year done, Const. Ouellette will return to watch duty for the summer.

“I will continue to award gift cards and educating the youth on bike safety throughout the summer months,” he said.

He stopped by Enfield District Elementary School recently, where he handed out several gift cards to youths.