Minister John Lohr at a previous announcement. (Communications Nova Scotia photo)

From a release

HALIFAX: Changes to the Province’s rent supplement program will expand eligibility for low-income seniors and put more money in the pockets of seniors who receive the supplement.

“We know many people are struggling to find an affordable place to live and a rent supplement can help with the cost of rent – especially for low-income seniors,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “I made a commitment to Nova Scotians to do whatever I can to ensure as many people as possible have access to safe and affordable housing, faster.

“We are looking at our programs and practices and making changes that will make a difference to Nova Scotians in need.”


Effective October 10, Nova Scotia, with the support of the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), is changing the criteria used to determine seniors’ eligibility for the supplement and the formula for the amount they can receive.

The criteria and formula had both used 95 per cent of the average market rent in the senior’s area rather than the full amount.

Now, 100 per cent of the average market rent is used, which means more seniors will qualify and the supplement increases.

With the eligibility change, more than 100 low-income seniors could qualify for a supplement. Seniors who have previously applied to the program but did not qualify must reapply.


Additional rent supplement policy and process changes will reduce fraud and increase equity. These include:
— applicants must provide documentation to support their application for a rent supplement (proof of income, lease)
— client documents will now be required within three months; there is currently no time limit
— a pre-eligibility screening will now be used
— definitions will be updated to align with language used in other government departments, including definitions of rent, rooming home, immediate family, household income, residency, overpayment, applicant.

“Our office sees first-hand the significant impact rent supplements have on low-income individuals and families. It makes the difference between being housed and unhoused; between paying rent or paying for power or food. When our client is approved for that supplement, the relief is immense.


“Many of our clients are over the age of 58, with fixed-incomes, and at high risk for eviction, so this change is very welcome. It is a positive change for seniors across the province.”
     – Tammy Wohler, managing lawyer, social justice office, Nova Scotia Legal Aid

Quick Facts:
— people aged 58 and older qualify as seniors under the rent supplement program
— the investment in the rent supplement program has more than doubled in the last two years for a total of $50 million a year
— 8,000 households will receive a rent supplement this year, up from 5,000 in 2021