MILFORD: A third email has gone home to families with students at Hants East Rural High in Milford notifying them of a COVID-19 exposure at the school.
In the letter to the school community, HERH says Public Health has notified them they’re investigating an additional COVID-19 exposure–the third one in as many days–at the school. This exposure is said to have occurred on Nov. 10.
“This may be the result of transmission (spread) in the school setting,” the letter from Principal Leanne Searle said. “Public Health is not recommending the school be closed at this time.
“Public Health previously recommended that everyone in the school community book a COVID-19 test and carefully watch for COVID-19 symptoms.”
“We are continuing to work closely with the Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education and the school to make sure all steps are taken to protect students and staff,” Searle said in the letter.
Public Health will continue to:
• Identify and send a letter to anyone who may have been exposed as a close contact.
• If you are identified as a close contact, Public Health will follow up with you directly by text.
The letter said if people had yet to book their test, they’re asked to arrange testing as soon as possible.
“You do not need to isolate unless you have symptoms,” the letter said.
Please continue to review the COVID-19 Daily Checklist each day to closely monitor your health and the health of those you care for. Thank you again for following expert advice provided by Public Health and for coming together to keep our school community safe.
A mobile COVID-19 testing clinic is scheduled for the school on Nov. 15 from 3 to 8 p.m.
Any siblings and parents/guardians of Hants East Rural High students are also welcomed and encouraged to get tested. You can find more information about the testing event in th
Several parents said they attempted to book appointments but all had been filled, so we’re hopeful another testing clinic would take place.