HALIFAX: More than 750 summary offence tickets were issued by members of N.S. RCMP’s Motorcycle program in a six month span between Yarmouth to Cape Breton, the force says in a release on Nov. 23.
The Nova Scotia RCMP Motorcycle Program, which ran May 30 to October 30, has wrapped up for the season. The goal of the program was to reduce two of the leading causes of serious injuries and fatalities on Nova Scotia roads by targeting cell phone and seatbelt violations.
In July, Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services introduced six new and customized Harley Davidson Road King motorcycles as an additional tool to help protect road users and demonstrated some of their features.

“Since 2015, there have been 75 fatal collisions and 109 serious injury collisions due to motorists not wearing a seatbelt or wearing one incorrectly,” says Cpl. Michael Carter with Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services.
“Wearing a seatbelt can dramatically increase your chances preventing serious injuries or death in a collision.”
During the 2020 motorcycle season, RCMP officers conducted patrols throughout the province and could be seen anywhere from Yarmouth to Cape Breton.
The following summary offence tickets were issued as a result:
· 583 for failing to wear a seatbelt
· 196 for using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle
The program also resulted in two people being charged for impaired driving.
“Initiatives such as these significantly contribute to keeping motorists safe,” says Cpl. Carter. “Traffic Services members will continue to reinforce the importance of driving safe remind motorists that speeding, distracted driving, not wearing a seatbelt and impaired driving are the four causal factors of serious injury and fatal collisions in Nova Scotia.”