FALL RIVER: There may have been a few people with less fingernails on their hands.
That’s because of the thrilling five-set match between the JL Isley Judges and Lockview High JV girls.
The metro high school JV girls volleyball game was played Tuesday night Nov. 7 at Lockview High in Fall River.

In the five sets, the Dragons and Judges went back and forth early on in the sets with the Dragons getting to a 2-1 set lead and able to put it away in the fourth set.
However, the Judges said not so fast and won the fourth set forcing a fifth and deciding set in the playoff game.
Lockview would win the fifth set to earn the playoff victory.

Overall, the set scores for the game were :
25-17 Judges; 25-23 Dragons; 25-12 Dragons; 25-21 Judges; forcing the fifth set, won 15-6 by the Dragons.
Anna Smith was named player of the game for the Dragons because of her hard work effort on the court to get Lockview the win.
The Dragons are now set to play in the next round of the playoffs, the semi-finals, in hopes of having their JV girls volleyball season continuing. (the semi-final was played on Thursday night; game details to come in a separate story)