SUMMERSIDE, PEI: Four ball players from the Waverley/Fall River area, with ties to LWF Baseball, helped Nova Scotia to a top 10 finish at the Baseball Canada Under-16 girls invitational nationals, held in Summerside on Aug. 26-28.
The tournament saw teams from across Canada head to PEI to compete against each other. Quebec went undefeated in six games to win, while it was B.C. and Alberta rounding out the podium.
N.S. finished 1-4 in five games played, tied with New Brunswick.
In the placement game, they lost to Manitoba to finish eighth.
Julia Konigshofer of Waverley; Leah Copeland of Fall River; Hilary Wilkin of Waverley; and Olivia Warford of Fall River were the local girl players who donned the Nova Scotia colours.
Konigshofer was twice named as game MVP for the Bluenosers, and her stats line tell why.
She went 10-for-16 at the plate, with six singles; one home run, seven RBI’s, three doubles for a .625 batting average. Konigshofer just returned from playing with Team Canada in a friendly series with the U.S., and winning javelin gold at the Legion track nationals.
Pitching, Konigshofer was credited with the team’s lone win in the tournament against B.C., pitching four and two-thirds inning giving up just three runs and striking out nine. B.C. won silver.
Wilkin was 0-for-two in two plate appearances over three games.
Warford had a big bat as well, scored two runners during eight plate appearances going three-for-seven with all three being singles and one walk. She had a .429 batting average.
Meanwhile, Copeland accounted for the N.S. offence scoring five runs as she hit five-for-17 for a .294 average.. She had two singles and three doubles in those at bats, along with three walks.
Copeland played in all five games.
On the slab, Konigshofer, Warford, and Copeland all saw time pitching, according to the tournament website.